Alpha Gaming Networks Police RP Rules

Alpha Gaming Networks
Section I: General Rules

  1. We are based in Michigan, therefore, anyone may open carry any weapon except Class 3 (Barrett 50 and stuff like that)
  2. After you are Tazed If you run its FailRP and will get kicked or banned for 2 hours.
  3. We do not tolerate minging, therefore, you get a one strike rule getting caught minging will result in a ban or kick please don't do it.
  4. We are a Serious RP, not a semi so enjoy your freedom and have fun just don’t run from police stop for them and RP thank you.
  5. AGN is different from most PRP most others are semi-serious our Government is serious.
  6. No, Fail Driving (swerving all over the road, etc) unless RP reason
  7. Once you die, you forget everything that happened to you in your past life.
  8. Prop surfing is not allowed with any prop (getting caught will result in a warn or a suspension)

Section II: Law Enforcement

  1. Law Enforcement must use the guns they are supplied not from F4 menu
  2. 15 minutes cooldown for each PD raid (if they don't follow cooldown report to an admin)
  3. If you 2 tase another government official = instant blacklist unless crossfire
  4. You Must Pullover for law enforcement unless you are wanted or have a valid reason
  5. Law Enforcement have to read you your rights if not you must be released
  6. Law Enforcement Must yell “taser, taser, taser” before you taze (if they don't, call an admin for taser rush)
  7. Request a court case you MUST be giving one( If a Judge is on)  if not call an admin for FailRP
  8. Law Enforcement can not arrest you for open carrying a weapon if your not making threats
  9. Law Enforcement should signal you to pull over using code 1 or 2 lights with a 6-second wail siren  
  10. You cannot pull a gun if law enforcement has a gun to you (unless you outnumber a cop)
  11. Law enforcement should and only arrest you if you are carrying a class 3 weapon and if you are breaking any laws.

Section III: Criminal Laws

  1. Adverting Murder Cooldown is 5 Minutes except for Murder which is 3 minutes
  2. Kidnap Cooldown is 7 minutes except for Kidnapper which is 5 minutes
  3. You Must advert for crimes Like Murder, Kidnap, Raid, PD Raid, Bank Raid, etc.
  4. Only Thieves or anything like a thief can raid (only exceptions are CCs)
  5. You must advert!

Section IV: Building Rules

  1. While building, put up a sign that says "Building" to let others know you are not roleplaying.
  2. When a building sign is up, you cannot have any entities in your base.
  3. Do not interfere with people that have a "Building" sign.
  4. A player must be able to enter and exit your building using a keypad cracker or a lockpick.
  5. Do not abuse the fading door tool. (Using the Numpad to constantly spam it or open and close it quickly)
  6. You may not own more than one base at a time. 
  7. You may use a maximum of 3 fading doors per base. 
  8. You may not have a fading door with the sole purpose to protect a keypad or button.
  9. Keypads must be connected to a working fading door.
  10. Keypads must have a hold length of 5 seconds for fading doors. (With a 0 initial delay)
  11. Keypads must be placed near the door they open in plain sight.
  12. Keypads must be low enough to be cracked from ground level. (You shouldn't have to duck or climb to reach the keypad)
  13. Do not build inside unowned buildings or ones that you do not own.
  14. Do not build out on the streets or anywhere public. 
  15. Do not build on rooftops unless they are accessible via walking. (inaccessible rooftops)
  16. Do not block off large parts of the map, or any place where NPCs or Dumpsters entities spawn.
  17. Bases that require crouching or alter your speed or movement in any way are disallowed. (No mazes, traps, or kill boxes)
  18. Do not create tiny cracks in your base that raiders cannot see.(
  19. Headshot and foot shot traps)
  20. No disorienting advantages such as black rooms, fully invisible props, or world glow effects.
  21. Do not store entities on inaccessible rooftops or inaccessible areas in general.
  22. Sky bases are not allowed.

Section V: Job Rules Citizen: /Cannot Raid/Murder/PD Raid/Cannot Money Print/

  1. Bloods Crips Leader: /Can Raid/Murder/Raid PD/Print Money/Cannot Kidnap/Jewelry Heist/
  2. Bloods Member: /Can Raid/Murder/Raid PD/Print Money/Cannot Kidnap/Jewelry Heist/
  3. Crips Leader: /Can Raid/Murder/Raid PD/Print Money/Cannot Kidnap/Jewelry Heist/
  4. Crips Member: /Can Raid/Murder/Raid PD/Print Money/Cannot Kidnap/Jewelry Heist/
  5. Cartel Leader:/Can Raid/Murder/Raid PD/Print Money/Cannot Kidnap/Jewelry Heist/
  6. Cartel Member:/Can Raid/Murder/Raid PD/Print Money/Cannot Kidnap/Jewelry Heist/
  7. News reporter: /Can't Raid/Can't Murder/Can't can Money Print/
  8. Murder: /Can Murder/Cannot Kidnap/Can't Raid/
  9. Kidnapper: /Can't Raid/Cannot Murder/Can Kidnap/
  10. Hacker: /Can Raid/Can Murder/Money Print/Jewelry Heist/
  11. Thief: /Can Advert Murder/Cannot Kidnap/Can Raid/Jewelry Heist/
  12. Mayor: /Can Make laws/Cannot raid/Can go into PD/
  13. Mercenaries: /Can PD Raid if hired/Print Money/Can advert Murder/Jewelry Heist/
  14. Hobo: Hobos /Print Money/Can't raid/Can advert Murder/
  15. Gun Dealer: /Print Money/Cannot Raid/Cannot self-supply/
  16. Business Owner: /Cannot Raid/They can advert Murder/Can buy Guns/

Section VI: Raiding Rules

  1. You must wait 10 minutes in-between raiding the same person.
  2. Once you've completed your raid, you must leave. You cannot occupy a base/store after a raid.
  3. You cannot raid from inaccessible rooftops.
  4. You cannot raid the PD from a rooftop or from inside a base.
  5. You cannot raid an obviously open/empty base.
  6. Walking past the 2nd door in the PD is considered raiding.
  7. When raiding the bank/PD, it is Raiders vs. CP. Do not kill other raiders.

Section VII: Kidnapping Rules

  1. You must Cuffs a person in order to kidnap them.
  2. You must issue a text warning (advert) so they are aware of the situation.
  3. You can not kidnap in spawn.
  4. You must wait 10 minutes between kidnapping the same person.